Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Prescription for Cold Times

Sometimes plans to go to the Beat Kitchen and hear some very loud music go awry, because Chicago is settling into the bitterly frigid time of the year, and no amount of coats, scarves, and Smart-Wool socks can fortify you to step outside.

On a night such as this, J.A. and I instead drew straws to see who would go to the corner store to buy a bottle of whiskey from the friendly Turkish man. (J.A., ever gallant, braved the elements)

And then the only reasonable thing to be done is make hot toddies, with a recipe I made up. I don't know if little book of cocktails that's sitting somewhere among an illustrated book of Chinese cooking and a stack of handwritten recipes would approve, but they are delicious.

To Assemble:

- 1 1/2 ounce of Buffalo Trace bourbon (necessary if you are J.A. and me, and nostalgic for last year's trip to Spain, where this was for some reason the only bourbon we could find, and bartenders seemed nonplussed that we wanted drink it at all. The easier thing was to ask for "Un whiskey, por favor" and then a glass would be filled with Cutty Sark until one said when.)

- 1 1/2 ounces water

Heat the water and whiskey until it steams, and is too hot to dip in a finger. Then add:

- One squiggle of honey (two if you are J.A., and sweet)

- One splash of lemon juice (two if you are R.A., and sour)

- A dusting of cinnamon, nutmeg, and ground cloves (or if you prefer, all the spices of the Orient)

Stir together, and enjoy on the futon, wrapped in blankets, while listening to the Sufjan Stevens Christmas album. Repeat as needed until the cold is chased from your bones and the end of your nose.
